What can I do with an Educating Bilingual Learners Certificate?

“We often think about making changes specific to English-Learning (EL) kids, but these courses have really shown me that modifications for multilingual learners help our monolingual students as well. So, when I learned these new skills and new tricks, it’s not only been helpful when I work with my Spanish-speaking students or my bilingual students, but it’s been helpful with my English-speaking students too. When you learn to help multilingual students, you just learn more strategies and have more tools under your belt to help all the students in your room.” – Corina Massey, Educating Bilingual Learners (EBL) Online Graduate Certificate, Graduate Spring 2024

UConn Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate, Corina Massey


Supporting and Empowering All Students

As a preservice elementary teacher, Corina Massey cares deeply about creating environments where all students can thrive. While studying abroad, she discovered her passion for educating bilingual learners. Recently completing the Educating Bilingual Learners (EBL) Online Graduate Certificate at the University of Connecticut (UConn), Corina feels better prepared with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to support and empower her multilingual learners. Along the way, she was delighted to discover that these same strategies are beneficial to all students.

Discovering her passion abroad

Corina was enrolled in UConn’s 5-year Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s (IB/M) Teacher Education program when she first discovered her passion for educating bilingual learners. Just before starting her senior year, she participated in the Two-Way Immersion Education in Costa Rica (EDCI 5830) program. As Corina explains, “In Costa Rica, I worked with kindergarten and 1st graders in a dual-language setting at a bilingual school called La Paz. I really fell in love with the dual-language model and just realized that I wanted to work with bilingual students but wanted to learn more on how to better support them.”

This trip is also where Corina first met Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Howard, director of the Educating Bilingual Learners (EBL) Online Graduate Certificate program. “Dr. Howard was the faculty advisor for that trip. So, I learned about the certificate program through her, and it was something I was really passionate about and interested in, so I applied.” Beginning the 4- course, 12-credit program in spring 2023, Corina recently graduated with the certificate and her Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction in spring 2024.

Empowering multillingualism

Working with La Paz School in Costa Rica left a deep impression on Corina: “When I went on that trip, I really learned how awesome it is to have those opportunities for kids to not only speak two languages and learn two languages, but also feel empowered in it. I think there’s a stigma in the United States, where if a student doesn’t speak English, we view them as less intelligent. Or if their family doesn’t speak English, we stigmatize their lack of involvement. I think that’s very flawed logic. There are a lot of assets in speaking multiple languages.”

After witnessing how a lack of supports for Spanish-speakers in the medical field negatively impacted both of her grandparents, Corina believes empowering kids to speak multiple languages can have far-reaching societal effects. “It surprises me that in the medical world there’s not easy access to someone speaking Spanish or speaking another language and having those supports available. I feel like if we enable kids to feel excited to speak multiple languages, we create an environment for our future where it’s no longer a struggle to have doctors who speak two languages. It’s more like, ‘Oh these languages are available to us,’ and maybe as Americans we’re more open-minded to learning more than English and putting our feet in other people’s shoes. So that’s what drew me into the program: creating an environment for kids to feel excited about learning another language, but also understanding the significance of it. I just want to create that environment for students where they feel excited and realize that yes, they speak multiple languages, but no, it’s not a bad thing. It’s a really good thing, and there’s a lot of power in that.”

Coursework manageable and immersive

Corina took her first course in overlap with her student-teaching semester, and the other three courses during her Master’s Year internship. “Because it’s an online program, it’s been very easy to manage with doing my Master’s internship and having other priorities outside of classwork as well. If you’re still in the IB/M program, it’s not that much more than your regular coursework. It’s only four classes and they’re online, so it’s very flexible and manageable with anything else, school or work. So, I would just say: Take it! It’s going to benefit you at some point.”

While her teacher education program touched upon multilingual learners, Corina appreciated the opportunity to dive deeper. “The program really immerses you in coursework that focuses on multilingual learners. I think it’s very easy for courses to overgeneralize information or briefly touch on multilingual learners in a chapter of a textbook, but these courses really focus on it as the whole entirety of the work. It was a good opportunity to delve into these areas that are often not talked about in other classes.”

Faculty passionate, knowledgeable, accessible

Corina says the faculty were top-notch across all dimensions: “I found both of the professors very passionate and knowledgeable about the subject area, which has been nice, especially if I have more questions or want to learn more. They are very easy to access even though it’s an online class. They have opportunities to meet virtually, and I’m sure if I wanted to meet in person, I could make that happen.”

For three of her four courses, Dr. Howard was the instructor, which Corina says enabled for a deeper connection to develop. “I’m taking the courses back-to-back, so we’ve built a very close relationship, in the sense that I know I can ask her for opinions on things. Or sometimes we’ll bring something up in class, and then she’ll send me a follow-up article if it’s something I’m especially interested in.”

Building connections through synchronous discussions

While all courses are online and asynchronous, Corina appreciated the option offered in some courses to have live virtual discussions with her professor and peers. “If you prefer, you can post what you’re writing and respond to people on the discussion board, but we also have synchronous options. For example, in the Language Diversity & Literacy (EDCI 5750) course I attended with Dr. Howard and a couple peers, we met once a week to discuss the assignment that we did for the week, in exchange for having to write it up on the discussion board. If you wanted to, you could still build those relationships over typing it on the discussion board. I just find it more exciting to meet people online in real time. For me, it feels like I’m building those connections and can have a better conversation. The opportunities to connect are not as much as an in-person class, but still I’ve been able to build relationships and connections with people through these courses.”

Learning new tools and strategies

One course that has been influential to how Corina approaches her lesson planning is EDCI 5742 - Sheltered English Instruction for ELLs. “I really liked the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP). It’s a model of looking at different strategies, from your planning to carrying out the lesson and then assessing the lesson at the end. It has 30 features for each lesson. And honestly, all those features are helpful for monolingual students as well as your multilingual students. They include little things, like flexible grouping or writing the objective but also reading the objective out loud. These are little things I did unintentionally, but really drawing the intention to why you’re doing that and why it’s beneficial was very helpful to me. When I was making my lessons during student teaching, I always kept those in mind. I still think about them now.”

Another course that was impactful for Corina was EDCI 5875 - Multicultural Education. “I thought that course was super interesting. It was really learning about the bilingual brain and how it operates and the misconceptions we have where we think we should only focus on English in school, but really there’s that transferability between languages. lt’s almost like a bridge where they’re working with both languages simultaneously together to make sense of the world around them. So really understanding and recognizing that it’s an asset and allowing students to build those connections in the classroom has been super neat.”

Incorporating strategies into her Master's project

Corina is excited by the ways she was recently able to incorporate the new strategies she’d learned into her Master’s action research project. “My action research project focused on using project-based learning, which is a hands-on learning experience where students are trying to solve a problem in a group. I wanted to incorporate aspects of translanguaging, so using languages simultaneously, specifically trying to target multilingual learners and creating authentic writing experiences for them. The lack of diversity in children’s literature was the problem we looked at. I worked with mostly Spanish-speaking students, so do we have enough multilingual books? Do we have books that use Spanish and English together? Could we create books that look like ourselves, with similar cultures and traditions? So then, the kids ended up writing their own books and creating them online in book creator, which was a very cool experience. It was really like applying all those SIOP strategies and all the things about translanguaging that I’ve learned in the courses into one project. I did it with a couple other peers who weren’t doing the certificate program, so it was cool to teach them about those things as well. And the kids really enjoyed it. So, the program really heavily influenced what I became interested in.”

Strategies beneficial to all students

Transitioning soon to her own elementary classroom, Corina feels prepared with the tools and strategies to support her future students. “I feel more equipped to better support all students in the room, whether they are multilingual or not. I have a bunch of new strategies, but also greater understanding of helping and supporting multilingual learners and families, and just creating that safe environment where students feel excited to learn language, but also feel supported in learning both languages. It just makes me feel better prepared for whatever obstacles or learning curves I might encounter in the future. I feel very knowledgeable on things that I think a lot of teacher education programs have missed in previous years. Many of the teachers at my school just don’t know a lot of this stuff, so while you’re still learning and ready to adopt better strategies, this is a great program.”

One of the most significant take-aways for Corina was the discovery that the strategies for supporting multilingual students are ultimately strategies that benefit all students. “We often think about making changes specific to English-Learning (EL) kids, but these courses have really shown me that modifications for multilingual learners help our monolingual students as well. So, when I learned these new skills and new tricks, it’s not only been helpful when I work with my Spanish-speaking students or my bilingual students, but it’s been helpful with my English-speaking students too. When you learn to help multilingual students, you just learn more strategies and have more tools under your belt to help all the students in your room.”

“If you’re a working teacher, this is the program for you. I can’t speak more highly of the program. It was exactly what I needed it to be. It gave me more tools in my toolbox to be able to successfully support learners from all walks of life. Not only are these transferable skills into my personal profession right at this moment, but I feel like I came out that much more of knowledgeable human being for our global society.”  – Jennifer (Jen) Van, Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate, Graduate Spring 2023

Headshot of Jennifer Van


Transforming Teaching Practices

Jennifer (Jen) Van brings much enthusiasm and commitment to her work as an educator. After stumbling into the teaching profession, she realized she needed more formalized preparation. Having recently completed the Educating Bilingual Learners (EBL) Online Graduate Certificate at the University of Connecticut (UConn), Jen now feels equipped with the tools and strategies to create supportive learning environments where all students can thrive.

Stumbling into teaching

While Jen had always dreamed of teaching abroad, her journey into teaching began unexpectedly. In December 2018, after applying for a paraprofessional job at Bridge Academy, a charter school in Bridgeport, CT, the principal invited her to instead be the 11th and 12th grade Spanish teacher, hiring her on the spot. While Jen had earned a dual-major BA in Spanish and Psychology from UConn in 2011, and she had experience working with children, she had no formal teaching preparation. As Jen explains, “It’s been a wild ride. Imagine starting a job where you just don’t know what you’re doing. That’s what I did. I learned on the fly for a lot of it.” She adds, “My story is not super unique. There are a lot of educators, especially in the world language field, who just stumbled in with absolutely nothing.”

Jen began certification courses through CT’s Alternate Route to Teacher Certification (ARC) program in 2019, earning her CT teacher certification in World Language, Spanish in 2020. While she learned a lot, Jen still did not feel confident as an educator: “I got my certification, but I still didn’t feel I was fully prepared. Flash forward, the Educating Bilingual Learners program happened to pop out of thin air, and I’ve been pursuing it totally online. I feel like I came out with more tools in my toolbox in this EBL program than I did in my certification program.”

UConn easy choice – twice!

Jen learned about UConn’s Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program from a flyer her friend shared with her. With the support of her charter school, Bridge Academy, Jen began the 12-credit, 4 course program in July 2022, completing her mission in May 2023. She explains, “I personally love learning. So when I ran into UConn’s EBL program, I presented it to my principal, and they made the magic happen. I’ve been so lucky. First, I love UConn. They’ve been an incredible school to me for my entire educational life. I always advocate for UConn. I have University of Connecticut as my undergrad and as my graduate certificate, because it’s so highly regarded. It’s nationally acclaimed as a university. So I hope that will open a lot of doors for me in the future.”

Why would a Spanish teacher choose this graduate certificate program? Jen explains, “I figured that any knowledge I could acquire about the theories of supporting English language learners, I can also transform into support that I can use for my Spanish language learners, since that’s what I teach. I could not have been less equipped when coming into the teaching field. But the strategies I learned from the EBL program, I can easily transfer to my classroom for my English language learners and beyond. I really appreciate that.”

Flexible, asynchronous nature – critical to success

The asynchronous nature of the program was an ideal fit for Jen. “Can I say the fact that this program is asynchronous has been the key thing that I needed. As an educating teacher, I’m so busy lesson-planning, grading assignments, creating assessments, supporting my students, staying after school, going in before school. Where would I find the time? The EBL program gave me the flexibility to be able to effectively absorb the information and do the assignments at my own pace. That was critical to my success in this program.”

This flexibility to pace herself was core to Jen maintaining a healthy school/work balance. “On my own schedule, as a crazy teacher, I was able to do the work when I could and really focus on it, as opposed to having to pull an all-nighter, then do a poor job on my assignment, and then be left in fumes from my own class. That flexibility was essential to my success in this program. Absolutely critical.”

Voice and Choice

Jen also greatly valued the flexibility to choose between assignments that offered different options for assessing student understanding. “There was a lot of voice and choice in all the assignments, which is very important. That’s something we advocate for in the classroom. There are all types of learners in our classroom: You might be good at drawing, but I might be good at speaking. So there were different ways that the teacher would assess, and you could choose, depending on the assignment. I appreciated that flexibility.”

Collaborative assignments were Jen’s favorite. After Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Howard helped make the connection, Jen and another Spanish teacher in the course became strong resources for each other. “We would both collaborate all semester long. As the only Spanish teacher in my building, I don’t have a department; I am one person, which can be very isolating. She’s one more person that I’m able to connect with, because she’s also a high school Spanish teacher in her district. I was able to collaborate with this other individual and something small in my head was able to be that much better executed. We were able to lean on each other and help each other and get perspective on the assignments and in our own classrooms as we were teaching.”

Professors – knowledgeable and supportive

Another strength of the program for Jen was the knowledge and support of the professors. “All of the professors have been so kind and so supportive. If at any point, I had any questions or concerns, the professors were always very accessible and responsive to whatever my needs were. They are extremely knowledgeable and clearly know their field, so I’ve been very lucky to learn from them.

In addition to sharing their knowledge, Jen appreciated the ways that her professors were invested in exploring each student’s potential and future opportunities. “They were always willing to talk about the field too. Big shout out to Dr. Liz Howard, because she knows this entire industry, and she was able to open my mind to other possibilities in the field. It’s not in my cards right now due to my circumstances and my family, but she mentioned an incredible opportunity that I would be so psyched about.” Describing the future possibility of teaching at an international dual-language school in Costa Rica, Jen explains, “That would be my absolute dream job. And I never would have even contemplated that, but Dr. Howard mentioned that in a conversation as we were talking about an assignment. That’s just one example of how the professors are so open to exploring each of their student’s potential and other options available in the field. They’re all so knowledgeable and so approachable.”

For Jen, this supportive environment makes all the difference in an online program. “They made it so easy for me to be able to succeed at my own rate, while still having the support along the way. I never felt like I was alone and had to just figure this out. Everyone was available online at any point that I needed them. That’s something really critical in an asynchronous program.”

Practical applications in the classroom

The opportunity to immediately apply what she was learning to her classroom was a huge advantage. “There have been so many things that I learned from the program that I was immediately able to implement into my class. It was really good in terms of practical information, not just theory.” Jen provides an example from the course she’s just completed, EDCI 5750-Language Diversity and Literacy: “I had to take the theories and come up with activities and assessments that I would actually implement in my particular Spanish class. Because I had to do these assignments, I realized I could use it in my actual class. Within that week, I had built my own lesson, even better than if I were to have brainstormed it myself, because I had to be supporting theories backed up by the knowledge I was learning through the course. So it’s been extremely beneficial: I’ve really been able to come out with a lot of practical, applicable information that I can tangibly implement into my own classroom. I’ve been really lucky.”

Adding equity and celebrating diversity

Recognizing the struggle faced by students who are English language learners, Jen hopes to apply her learning in ways that will make the classroom more equitable: “To have to learn the language and the content at the same time is not fair to students. I hope to add a little bit of equity into the classroom to make their knowledge that more accessible in terms of the content and language. Because I know that struggle and it hurts and it’s not fair. These kids are really smart and they’re being penalized. They can probably do what you’re asking them to do; they just can’t understand the language yet. So if we give them the right tools, they can succeed. And that’s a lot of what this EBL program is about – celebrating diversity and language and being able to use these students as resources and as leverage in the entire classroom community. As much as the student is learning from the teacher, the teacher can learn from the student, and the students can learn from each other. I hope to be able to implement that in my classroom.”

Supporting English language learners is deeply personal for Jen. Both of her parents immigrated to the U.S. from Colombia as full Spanish speakers. With this certificate, Jen is excited to step into a support role for bilingual students in her school. “I’ve always been the translator in my family. I’ve always held that responsibility. Not only in just translating the language, but almost kind of translating the culture. So I understand what these kids are going through. I’ve been in those shoes. I remember that, when I was little, I wished there was more help. I felt so alone in helping my parents. Now I feel like I can be that person for a student who’s going through that.”

Applying strategies to support broad range of learners

Jen emphasizes that the strategies she learned in this program can be applied to support a broad range of learners: “Although a lot of the content was for English language learners, I can apply those same strategies to support all learners. As a teacher, I have to be able differentiate and modify things according to individual learners. And this program gave me a lot of tools to be able to support some of my own special education students, who might have reading disabilities, or dyslexia, or processing delays. That’s a big challenge for a teacher: ‘How do I differentiate in a strategic and appropriate way for each of my unique, individual learners in my classroom?’ I’m still very far from being a pro at this, but I’m leaving this program a lot more well equipped than how I started it.”

Preparing students for a globalized society

Learning about the theory of collaborative learning was especially impactful for Jen. “I think the theory of collaborative learning is amazing, and I immediately started to put it into practice. Let the kids be their own agents in their education. That’s something that I am learning how to do. Working together is a critical skill in this globalized society. We have to work together. And that’s what learning should be: preparing students to work together. Because that’s what the world is. I think these are the types of approaches that are going to prepare our students for a more globalized society.” Emphasizing the importance of this, Jen adds, “We have to prepare our students to be global citizens. Courses like these teach teachers how to teach their students how to be global citizens. And I think that’s really important.”

Jen is also excited about sharing her new knowledge with her colleagues. “Collaborative learning was a really new theory for me that I actually hope to present to my colleagues next year. Since I have this certificate, part of my role will be to take that information and pass it on to my colleagues in the form of professional development sessions. That makes me super nervous, but I think I’ve gained the experience and knowledge I need to be able to do that. And, because the professors are super accessible, I know if I have any questions or concerns in the future, I have their emails and I can reach out to them for any support I need along the way.”

Growing into the profession

Despite spending four years in the classroom, Jen is surprised when others refer to her as a “veteran teacher,” explaining, “I do not want that title. I still feel like I’m so new in education, like a toddler: I can walk, but I’m still wobbling. But now I feel like a toddler who doesn’t have to hold onto the railing. And I’m growing into it. I’m really growing into my profession, and this program really gave me so many tools I can use.”

In addition to the immediate impact her learning will have in her classroom and charter school, Jen is already dreaming of future possibilities: “I hope to be something bigger than just a classroom teacher, such as program director or administrator. This program opened my mind to think bigger than just the four walls and the classroom.”

Reflecting on her educational journey, Jen adds, “If you’re a working teacher, this is the program for you. I can’t speak more highly of the program. It was exactly what I needed it to be. It gave me more tools in my toolbox to be able to successfully support learners from all walks of life. Not only are these transferable skills into my personal profession right at this moment, but I feel like I came out that much more of knowledgeable human being for our global society.”

“Before I enrolled in the program, I had just graduated with my bachelor’s degree in elementary education from UConn. I was a student-teacher during my senior year, and my class had a lot of bilingual/multilingual students. I wanted to seek out opportunities to best serve this population of students, so I was ecstatic when I learned that UConn had this built-in opportunity.” - Lizzy Jacobs, Spring 2022 Graduate, Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program

UConn Online Bilingual Learners Graduate Certiifcate, LizzyLizzy Jacobs was already enrolled as a graduate student in UConn’s Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s (IB/M) Program when she discovered UConn’s Educating Bilingual Learners online graduate certificate program. 

A Seamless, Tailor-made Certificate Program 

Lizzy completed the program without skipping a beat, as she got her certificate at no additional cost and it fit it right in with her course and fieldwork.

“The program was especially attractive because it offered me the ability to attain more knowledge for educating bilingual learners while I completed the Teacher Education Program.”

“Not only does this program work seamlessly with your coursework as an IB/M student, but you have opportunities to work with others outside your cohort. For me, this included collaborating with working teachers and people from all disciplines throughout the education program at UConn.”

Practical Faculty Who Truly Care 

The most impactful aspect of the program for Lizzy was her professors’ dedication to truly helping her, and her classmates learn how they can best serve multilingual learners. 

“We studied best practices and learned about different theories, language acquisition, and law pertaining to multilingual learner education. Since our coursework was so practical, many of us could translate our work and projects in class into our fieldwork in the classroom. This ability to immediately put what I was learning into practice was rewarding and impactful.”

Taking Her Learning to the Classroom

And before she had even completed the certificate, she had a teaching position lined up. “While finishing the Educating Bilingual Learners certificate program, I accepted a job with Newington Public Schools, where I’ll teach third 3rd grade.”

“I was in Tokyo for two years, gaining a foundation as an educator that would guide my graduate education and future practice in school psychology. Growing up in New York City afforded me the privilege of being surrounded by a medley of ethnic and racial diversity. Combined with studying abroad in Kyoto, my academic path naturally gravitated towards supporting emergent multilingual learners.” - Mike Li, Spring 2022 Graduate, Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program

UConn Bilingual Learner Online Graduate Certificate, Michael LiMike Li came to UConn’s Educating Bilingual Learners online graduate certificate program as a school psychologist and doctoral student seeking to leverage his unique experiences as an Assistant Language Teacher in Tokyo as part of the JET Program as a foundation and motivation for his practice in schools.

Incredible Diversity and Flexibility 

While the flexible modality of courses accommodated Mike’s busy schedule and allowed him to take courses in addition to the primary program requirements, the diversity of the faculty’s and students’ experiences drew him to UConn’s program. 

“I was attracted to the Educating Bilingual Learners certificate program by the opportunity to learn from expert scholars in the field and peers from a range of personal, scholarly, and professional backgrounds. Learning from expert scholars and the wealth of knowledge from my peers enriched the courses, allowing for real collaboration—even when asynchronous/virtual. Content and assignments from courses helped me create practical strategies and build a useful information toolkit.”

Mike believes educators should not work in silos. They must collaborate with other educational staff to create “a quintessential multidisciplinary team all working towards supporting their students.” 

Meeting Students Where They Are

Once Mike completes his doctoral program, he’ll be doing an internship year in Atlanta, working as a school psychologist, while continuing to work on his dissertation investigating the efficacy of a novel technological intervention to reduce English language speaking anxiety.

“As a school psychologist, I act as an elevator—meeting students where they are and leading them to where they want to be. I hope to eventually return home to NYC to support emergent multilingual learners, especially AAPI and LGBTQ+ populations.”

“I am privileged in the support I have received throughout my graduate experiences and hope to lift others in my role as a school psychologist practitioner and researcher.”

“Often we are isolated as teachers. We work in silos and rarely have the chance to connect with colleagues. Therefore, I really appreciated that the courses were project-driven and that we were encouraged to interact through the HuskyCT/Blackboard discussion boards. I’m now a part of a cohort of like-minded educators that continues to this day.” - Joelle Budzinsky, Spring 2021 Graduate, Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program

UConn Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate, Joelle Budznsky 1Joelle Budzinsky earned 12 credits from the University of Connecticut (UConn) Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program. She’ll apply the credits to a second master’s degree, which will allow her to become TESOL- (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certified.

Getting out of the Classroom Silo

Joelle Budzinsky knows a lot about teaching bilingual students. After all, she spent nearly three years in Barranquilla, Colombia overseeing the school-wide implementation of Project Based Learning, grades K-12. While there, she learned a lot “on the fly,” as she describes her experience. She also discovered something even more important: 

“I loved being a language teacher in Colombia. But I wanted a richer knowledge about why certain teaching approaches work better than others. There are so many ways to learn a language. I wanted to become better at helping kids learn to talk and engage with language in ways that were personally meaningful to them. At the time, I knew what worked, but I didn’t know why. I was looking for a more formal educational experience to help me understand why something works—knowing the why would help me internalize the how.”

As a University of Connecticut (UConn) graduate, earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in 2009, Joelle had some connections at the university. She reached out to Karen Lapuk, the bilingual coordinator at Connecticut River Academy, to ask about getting the TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certification. Karen encouraged Joelle to apply for the Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program, a 4-course, 12-credit program for practicing educators who want to strengthen their skills to better support English learners in school.

On her way to earning a second master’s degree

Joelle immediately applied, and once accepted, she began the program during the summer of 2020, taking two courses right off the bat, then one course in the fall and the final course in the spring of 2021. She is now planning to start a second master’s degree at UConn, a requirement for her to become TESOL-certified. “Best of all,” she says, “The 12 credits I earned from the Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program can be applied to my second master’s.”

Starting anything new during the summer of 2020—at the height of the pandemic—wasn’t easy. But notes Joelle, because the certificate program is 100 percent online, not even a pandemic could stop it from being given! “As a classroom teacher, there are so many demands on my time. The online nature of the program made it so easy because I could do the assignments on my own time,” says Joelle. 

Making life-long connections

The online platform also enabled her to connect with educators across Connecticut and beyond. “Often we are isolated as teachers. We work in silos and rarely have the chance to connect with colleagues. Therefore, I really appreciated that the courses were project-driven and that we were encouraged to interact through the HuskyCT/Blackboard discussion boards. I’m now a part of a cohort of like-minded educators that continues to this day. We have a texting group, we check in on each other, and we have even met outside of the program,” notes Joelle, who adds: “It is so helpful to learn about teaching approaches in other districts.” 

Transformative content

Joelle also raves about the program’s content and in particular, having learned entirely new concepts that she had been unfamiliar with, such as sheltered instruction. “This method has been transformative in the way that I present and plan lessons. It basically calls upon us to consider various factors that influence how a student learns material. It could be something as simple as slowing your speech, including visuals, or practicing ‘translanguaging.’ I had never heard of this concept prior to the program, but essentially it teaches you how to incorporate the student’s first language into your lesson materials.” This is no easy task considering there are over a dozen languages spoken at Connecticut River Academy, a magnet school in East Hartford, CT, where Joelle is both a Capstone teacher and English Language Development (ELD) teacher.

One of the online courses Joelle especially “loved,” as she said, was EDCI 5875 – Multicultural Education. “This was not about learning a skill or methodology per se, but rather about mindset. It helped us focus not on the deficit students may have because their first language is not English, but on their assets. I loved this so much. If you don’t think students are capable, you’re missing the mark.”

Modeling good teaching 

And most of all, Joelle describes the instructors as “fabulous!” While she really liked all her professors, she especially appreciated how Dr. Elizabeth Howard, associate professor of bilingual education in the Neag School of Education and the certificate program’s director, taught. “Liz models the pedagogical strategies she teaches, for example, when she was covering the four domains. It wasn’t that we were only writing, but her teaching methods also focused on engaging, listening, and reading. She modeled good teaching by the way she taught!”

In summary, Joelle says: “So many education programs are steeped in theory. But in this program a lot of time and focus was spent on learning practical strategies. In fact, every week, I learned something that I could implement in my classroom the following week.”

UConn Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate, Natalie Hernandez

Natalie Hernandez

Graduate Spring 2024

Celebrating the Assets of All Students

“I really believe in serving all learners. The schools we’re working in are only becoming more diverse. In my opinion, there’s no way to serve everyone if you don’t have the skills like I learned in this certificate program. I’m a special educator, so I learn how to teach everyone really, and I’m very proud about that. But I also recognized that I could use additional supports as a teacher to teach students who are multilingual or bilingual. Some students who have those language assets are also students who have disabilities. So, I really want to teach the whole child and serve full communities of students, and I know that this program will help me do so. I already have a plethora of instructional strategies that I could use in my classroom. Earning this certificate really demonstrates a willingness by educators to serve all their students.” – Natalie Hernandez, Educating Bilingual Learners (EBL) Online Graduate Certificate, Graduate Spring 2024

Celebrating the Assets of All Students

As a pre-service special education teacher, tasked with teaching a broad array of students, Natalie Hernandez is passionate about serving all learners. Despite being bilingual herself, she recognized gaps in her knowledge of how to teach bilingual students. Recently graduating from the Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program at the University of Connecticut (UConn), Natalie now feels prepared with the skills, strategies, and practices to support and celebrate the many assets that all her students bring to the classroom.

Experienced challenges first-hand

Growing up, Natalie learned first-hand of the challenges encountered by bilingual students in the classroom. “My parents immigrated from the Dominican Republic not too long before I was born. My first language is Spanish, but then I started grade school in English. So, we were all learning English together at home. By the time my brother came around, we were fluent in English, so Spanish didn’t stick so much with him. But I always preface folks that when I say I’m bilingual in Spanish and English, I’m not academically Spanish literate. I would probably struggle in a Spanish classroom to learn the academic language itself, which is really interesting. I’m English conversational, English academically spoken, but in Spanish I don’t have those skills because they weren’t celebrated, and I didn’t have the opportunity to learn those skills in the classroom. I wish I would have experienced that.”

Filling a knowledge gap

Even though she’s bilingual herself, Natalie recognized a gap in her knowledge when it came to supporting her bilingual students. “While I want to be a special education teacher and that encompasses all learners, I found that there was a gap in that I didn’t know too much about teaching bilingual learners. I was always very curious of how I can bring my bilingual skills into the classroom in a way that was strengthened by academic foundational skills. Being bilingual myself wasn’t enough to have the actual skills and practices that are needed in the classroom. I came across the bilingual certificate when a few professors recommended it to me. I did some research and explored the website and was really intrigued, so then I pursued it from there.” Natalie started the program in fall 2023, in tandem with her Master’s year in Educational Psychology as a student in UConn’s 5-year Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s (IB/M) Teacher Education program. Taking two courses per semester, she graduated with the certificate and her Master’s in spring 2024.

Totally worth it!

Juggling multiple responsibilities, Natalie says the asynchronous format made the program manageable, and the material she was learning was a natural fit in its applicability. “Because it’s asynchronous, you’re able to pace yourself. I allocate what days are for what, and I really appreciate that. It is a lot, but because it’s so applicable, it feels like I’m learning it and applying it as I go, so it almost feels very natural. The learning really is awesome and foundational, and the courses build off one another. What I took in the fall has really helped me build through the spring. In reality, it’s only four courses – and it’s four courses that you could add to wherever you are in your learning in your educational career. The program in general is very appealing to me, and I find myself telling people all the time to just take the four courses because it’s totally worth it!”

Natalie felt supported by the way the program was organized on the HuskyCT/Blackboard online platform. “I like Blackboard. I think it provides a lot of different modalities to join the classroom, from discussion board posts where we can engage with other students, to having videos linked in, or video quizzes. It’s nice to have a hub where everything is housed. The professors are really great about linking different websites and providing images as needed. I really enjoyed the platform in general, and it really supported me throughout the certificate.”

Knowledgeable and supportive faculty

Of the faculty, Natalie exclaims, “They’re all wonderful!” Elaborating further, Natalie adds, “I took Dr. Clarisa Rodrigues’s Multicultural Education (EDCI 5875) course last fall, and I really loved her approach to that coursework. I had taken a multicultural education course in undergrad, but I really enjoyed taking this course with her in my grad year. Dr. Elizabeth Howard is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. She’s always sending resources about different methods that we can use, often specific to our instructional practices. Dr. Howard does check-ins every few weeks, so we’re able to meet with her either through a Zoom call or virtually through Web-Ex, or we can email her to let her know where we are in the course and how things are going. I felt really supported and able to connect and engage with my professors and also the students in my classes. Staff in general have been so welcoming and supportive throughout the certificate process.”

Expanding insights and perspectives with peers

Natalie appreciated the opportunities to expand her perspective by exploring ideas with her peers via weekly discussion board forums. “Even though the program is asynchronous, faculty designed the courses so that we have to engage with other students through discussion board posts on a weekly basis, usually two times a week. Not only do we post our own information, but other students respond to what we said and provide more insight or ask questions. So there really is a lot of opportunity for engagement. I really enjoy getting other people’s perspectives. I’m able to have the lens of being bilingual myself, so I approach things from that point of view, but there are peers who are multilingual or peers who are monolingual, and they provide insights also. So, we’re collaborating to get different perspectives and understanding for the same coursework, which I really appreciate.”

Celebrating student capital

One of the most powerful takeaways for Natalie was her shift in perspective to an asset-based approach. “I really appreciate the social justice lens provided by this certificate program. I learned a lot about dismantling our inner biases around monolingualism and bilingualism. I learned a lot about how learners all have assets of language. We do live in a world where sometimes bilingual, depending on who it is that is bilingual, can be frowned upon and not seen as an attribute of learning. So, I’ve been able to take those inner biases and those lenses that were given to me through the education that I endured in the American school system and flip them around and think of student literacy totally differently. Now I think of the capital that my students bring to the classroom in different ways, and I feel prepared to celebrate those things for those learners.”

Accentuating assets of home language

One course that really stands out for Natalie is EDCI 5742 - Sheltered English Instruction for ELLs. “I really enjoy the sheltered English approach and the very specific detail we go into in terms of what sheltered English instruction looks like. Future employers love to see that folks know about sheltered English and have taken coursework in that. That’s really appealing.”

Describing the approach, Natalie adds, “The sheltered English approach is a strong evidence-based teaching practice that supports all learners: multilingual, bilingual, or monolingual. It includes translanguaging practices, which means maintaining and supporting the home language and using it as an asset for learning the additional language. Sheltered English, in general, really combats the idea of English being a standard language and teaching into it as a standard, and instead teaching the whole student and the languages and assets of all our learners. It’s a great practice, and I really appreciated learning those strategies.”

Applying new strategies during internship

For Natalie’s Master’s year Internship, her placement was at Mansfield Elementary, a community that speaks more than 26 languages. This environment provided the perfect opportunity for Natalie to apply the new strategies she’d been learning in the program. “The elementary school blew me out of the water in terms of how diverse it really is. There’s a plethora of language and culture at this school, so I’ve actually been able to apply these strategies almost immediately. I feel really prepared. One particular strategy with translanguaging is asking a question in Spanish or English and expecting a response in a different language. So, I’m promoting learning that way, and that also highlights and celebrates the languages that our learners bring to the forefront. Seldom in the classroom do we give opportunities for students to speak more than the English language that we’re teaching into. I find myself really comfortable in exploring and applying the strategies that I’ve learned. I love it. I really do.”

Excited to celebrate all her students

Natalie believes the skills she learned are essential tools for serving an increasingly diverse student population. “I really believe in serving all learners. The schools we’re working in are only becoming more diverse. In my opinion, there’s no way to serve everyone if you don’t have the skills like I learned in this certificate. I’m a special educator, so I learn how to teach everyone really, and I’m very proud about that. But I also recognized that I could use additional supports as a teacher to teach students who are multilingual or bilingual. Some students who have those language assets are also students who have disabilities. So, I really want to teach the whole child and serve full communities of students, and I know that this program will help me do so. I already have a plethora of instructional strategies that I could use in my classroom. Earning this certificate really demonstrates a willingness by educators to serve all their students.”

Reflecting on her own schooling experience, Natalie is excited to create different opportunities for her own students. “As a student, I wish I would have seen opportunities in the classroom for me to speak and learn in Spanish. But I’m happy that, as an educator, I’m able to do it for other learners. I’m able to take that lens from my experience and take what I’ve learned from the certificate to really create classrooms that celebrate all the things my students bring. I’m really excited for that.”



UConn Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate, Corina Massey

Corina Massey

Graduate Spring 2024

Supporting and Empowering All Students

“We often think about making changes specific to English-Learning (EL) kids, but these courses have really shown me that modifications for multilingual learners help our monolingual students as well. So, when I learned these new skills and new tricks, it’s not only been helpful when I work with my Spanish-speaking students or my bilingual students, but it’s been helpful with my English-speaking students too. When you learn to help multilingual students, you just learn more strategies and have more tools under your belt to help all the students in your room.” – Corina Massey, Educating Bilingual Learners (EBL) Online Graduate Certificate, Graduate Spring 2024

Supporting and Empowering All Students

As a preservice elementary teacher, Corina Massey cares deeply about creating environments where all students can thrive. While studying abroad, she discovered her passion for educating bilingual learners. Recently completing the Educating Bilingual Learners (EBL) Online Graduate Certificate at the University of Connecticut (UConn), Corina feels better prepared with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to support and empower her multilingual learners. Along the way, she was delighted to discover that these same strategies are beneficial to all students.

Discovering her passion abroad

Corina was enrolled in UConn’s 5-year Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s (IB/M) Teacher Education program when she first discovered her passion for educating bilingual learners. Just before starting her senior year, she participated in the Two-Way Immersion Education in Costa Rica (EDCI 5830) program. As Corina explains, “In Costa Rica, I worked with kindergarten and 1st graders in a dual-language setting at a bilingual school called La Paz. I really fell in love with the dual-language model and just realized that I wanted to work with bilingual students but wanted to learn more on how to better support them.”

This trip is also where Corina first met Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Howard, director of the Educating Bilingual Learners (EBL) Online Graduate Certificate program. “Dr. Howard was the faculty advisor for that trip. So, I learned about the certificate program through her, and it was something I was really passionate about and interested in, so I applied.” Beginning the 4- course, 12-credit program in spring 2023, Corina recently graduated with the certificate and her Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction in spring 2024.

Empowering multillingualism

Working with La Paz School in Costa Rica left a deep impression on Corina: “When I went on that trip, I really learned how awesome it is to have those opportunities for kids to not only speak two languages and learn two languages, but also feel empowered in it. I think there’s a stigma in the United States, where if a student doesn’t speak English, we view them as less intelligent. Or if their family doesn’t speak English, we stigmatize their lack of involvement. I think that’s very flawed logic. There are a lot of assets in speaking multiple languages.”

After witnessing how a lack of supports for Spanish-speakers in the medical field negatively impacted both of her grandparents, Corina believes empowering kids to speak multiple languages can have far-reaching societal effects. “It surprises me that in the medical world there’s not easy access to someone speaking Spanish or speaking another language and having those supports available. I feel like if we enable kids to feel excited to speak multiple languages, we create an environment for our future where it’s no longer a struggle to have doctors who speak two languages. It’s more like, ‘Oh these languages are available to us,’ and maybe as Americans we’re more open-minded to learning more than English and putting our feet in other people’s shoes. So that’s what drew me into the program: creating an environment for kids to feel excited about learning another language, but also understanding the significance of it. I just want to create that environment for students where they feel excited and realize that yes, they speak multiple languages, but no, it’s not a bad thing. It’s a really good thing, and there’s a lot of power in that.”

Coursework manageable and immersive

Corina took her first course in overlap with her student-teaching semester, and the other three courses during her Master’s Year internship. “Because it’s an online program, it’s been very easy to manage with doing my Master’s internship and having other priorities outside of classwork as well. If you’re still in the IB/M program, it’s not that much more than your regular coursework. It’s only four classes and they’re online, so it’s very flexible and manageable with anything else, school or work. So, I would just say: Take it! It’s going to benefit you at some point.”

While her teacher education program touched upon multilingual learners, Corina appreciated the opportunity to dive deeper. “The program really immerses you in coursework that focuses on multilingual learners. I think it’s very easy for courses to overgeneralize information or briefly touch on multilingual learners in a chapter of a textbook, but these courses really focus on it as the whole entirety of the work. It was a good opportunity to delve into these areas that are often not talked about in other classes.”

Faculty passionate, knowledgeable, accessible

Corina says the faculty were top-notch across all dimensions: “I found both of the professors very passionate and knowledgeable about the subject area, which has been nice, especially if I have more questions or want to learn more. They are very easy to access even though it’s an online class. They have opportunities to meet virtually, and I’m sure if I wanted to meet in person, I could make that happen.”

For three of her four courses, Dr. Howard was the instructor, which Corina says enabled for a deeper connection to develop. “I’m taking the courses back-to-back, so we’ve built a very close relationship, in the sense that I know I can ask her for opinions on things. Or sometimes we’ll bring something up in class, and then she’ll send me a follow-up article if it’s something I’m especially interested in.”

Building connections through synchronous discussions

While all courses are online and asynchronous, Corina appreciated the option offered in some courses to have live virtual discussions with her professor and peers. “If you prefer, you can post what you’re writing and respond to people on the discussion board, but we also have synchronous options. For example, in the Language Diversity & Literacy (EDCI 5750) course I attended with Dr. Howard and a couple peers, we met once a week to discuss the assignment that we did for the week, in exchange for having to write it up on the discussion board. If you wanted to, you could still build those relationships over typing it on the discussion board. I just find it more exciting to meet people online in real time. For me, it feels like I’m building those connections and can have a better conversation. The opportunities to connect are not as much as an in-person class, but still I’ve been able to build relationships and connections with people through these courses.”

Learning new tools and strategies

One course that has been influential to how Corina approaches her lesson planning is EDCI 5742 - Sheltered English Instruction for ELLs. “I really liked the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP). It’s a model of looking at different strategies, from your planning to carrying out the lesson and then assessing the lesson at the end. It has 30 features for each lesson. And honestly, all those features are helpful for monolingual students as well as your multilingual students. They include little things, like flexible grouping or writing the objective but also reading the objective out loud. These are little things I did unintentionally, but really drawing the intention to why you’re doing that and why it’s beneficial was very helpful to me. When I was making my lessons during student teaching, I always kept those in mind. I still think about them now.”

Another course that was impactful for Corina was EDCI 5875 - Multicultural Education. “I thought that course was super interesting. It was really learning about the bilingual brain and how it operates and the misconceptions we have where we think we should only focus on English in school, but really there’s that transferability between languages. lt’s almost like a bridge where they’re working with both languages simultaneously together to make sense of the world around them. So really understanding and recognizing that it’s an asset and allowing students to build those connections in the classroom has been super neat.”

Incorporating strategies into her Master's project

Corina is excited by the ways she was recently able to incorporate the new strategies she’d learned into her Master’s action research project. “My action research project focused on using project-based learning, which is a hands-on learning experience where students are trying to solve a problem in a group. I wanted to incorporate aspects of translanguaging, so using languages simultaneously, specifically trying to target multilingual learners and creating authentic writing experiences for them. The lack of diversity in children’s literature was the problem we looked at. I worked with mostly Spanish-speaking students, so do we have enough multilingual books? Do we have books that use Spanish and English together? Could we create books that look like ourselves, with similar cultures and traditions? So then, the kids ended up writing their own books and creating them online in book creator, which was a very cool experience. It was really like applying all those SIOP strategies and all the things about translanguaging that I’ve learned in the courses into one project. I did it with a couple other peers who weren’t doing the certificate program, so it was cool to teach them about those things as well. And the kids really enjoyed it. So, the program really heavily influenced what I became interested in.”

Strategies beneficial to all students

Transitioning soon to her own elementary classroom, Corina feels prepared with the tools and strategies to support her future students. “I feel more equipped to better support all students in the room, whether they are multilingual or not. I have a bunch of new strategies, but also greater understanding of helping and supporting multilingual learners and families, and just creating that safe environment where students feel excited to learn language, but also feel supported in learning both languages. It just makes me feel better prepared for whatever obstacles or learning curves I might encounter in the future. I feel very knowledgeable on things that I think a lot of teacher education programs have missed in previous years. Many of the teachers at my school just don’t know a lot of this stuff, so while you’re still learning and ready to adopt better strategies, this is a great program.”

One of the most significant take-aways for Corina was the discovery that the strategies for supporting multilingual students are ultimately strategies that benefit all students. “We often think about making changes specific to English-Learning (EL) kids, but these courses have really shown me that modifications for multilingual learners help our monolingual students as well. So, when I learned these new skills and new tricks, it’s not only been helpful when I work with my Spanish-speaking students or my bilingual students, but it’s been helpful with my English-speaking students too. When you learn to help multilingual students, you just learn more strategies and have more tools under your belt to help all the students in your room.”


UConn Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate, Jen Van

Jennifer (Jen) Van

Graduate Spring 2023

Transforming Teaching Practices

“If you’re a working teacher, this is the program for you. I can’t speak more highly of the program. It was exactly what I needed it to be. It gave me more tools in my toolbox to be able to successfully support learners from all walks of life. Not only are these transferable skills into my personal profession right at this moment, but I feel like I came out that much more of knowledgeable human being for our global society.”  – Jennifer (Jen) Van, Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate, Graduate Spring 2023

Transforming Teaching Practices

Jennifer (Jen) Van brings much enthusiasm and commitment to her work as an educator. After stumbling into the teaching profession, she realized she needed more formalized preparation. Having recently completed the Educating Bilingual Learners (EBL) Online Graduate Certificate at the University of Connecticut (UConn), Jen now feels equipped with the tools and strategies to create supportive learning environments where all students can thrive.

Stumbling into teaching

While Jen had always dreamed of teaching abroad, her journey into teaching began unexpectedly. In December 2018, after applying for a paraprofessional job at Bridge Academy, a charter school in Bridgeport, CT, the principal invited her to instead be the 11th and 12th grade Spanish teacher, hiring her on the spot. While Jen had earned a dual-major BA in Spanish and Psychology from UConn in 2011, and she had experience working with children, she had no formal teaching preparation. As Jen explains, “It’s been a wild ride. Imagine starting a job where you just don’t know what you’re doing. That’s what I did. I learned on the fly for a lot of it.” She adds, “My story is not super unique. There are a lot of educators, especially in the world language field, who just stumbled in with absolutely nothing.”

Jen began certification courses through CT’s Alternate Route to Teacher Certification (ARC) program in 2019, earning her CT teacher certification in World Language, Spanish in 2020. While she learned a lot, Jen still did not feel confident as an educator: “I got my certification, but I still didn’t feel I was fully prepared. Flash forward, the Educating Bilingual Learners program happened to pop out of thin air, and I’ve been pursuing it totally online. I feel like I came out with more tools in my toolbox in this EBL program than I did in my certification program.”

UConn easy choice – twice!

Jen learned about UConn’s Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program from a flyer her friend shared with her. With the support of her charter school, Bridge Academy, Jen began the 12-credit, 4 course program in July 2022, completing her mission in May 2023. She explains, “I personally love learning. So when I ran into UConn’s EBL program, I presented it to my principal, and they made the magic happen. I’ve been so lucky. First, I love UConn. They’ve been an incredible school to me for my entire educational life. I always advocate for UConn. I have University of Connecticut as my undergrad and as my graduate certificate, because it’s so highly regarded. It’s nationally acclaimed as a university. So I hope that will open a lot of doors for me in the future.”

Why would a Spanish teacher choose this graduate certificate program? Jen explains, “I figured that any knowledge I could acquire about the theories of supporting English language learners, I can also transform into support that I can use for my Spanish language learners, since that’s what I teach. I could not have been less equipped when coming into the teaching field. But the strategies I learned from the EBL program, I can easily transfer to my classroom for my English language learners and beyond. I really appreciate that.”

Flexible, asynchronous nature – critical to success

The asynchronous nature of the program was an ideal fit for Jen. “Can I say the fact that this program is asynchronous has been the key thing that I needed. As an educating teacher, I’m so busy lesson-planning, grading assignments, creating assessments, supporting my students, staying after school, going in before school. Where would I find the time? The EBL program gave me the flexibility to be able to effectively absorb the information and do the assignments at my own pace. That was critical to my success in this program.”

This flexibility to pace herself was core to Jen maintaining a healthy school/work balance. “On my own schedule, as a crazy teacher, I was able to do the work when I could and really focus on it, as opposed to having to pull an all-nighter, then do a poor job on my assignment, and then be left in fumes from my own class. That flexibility was essential to my success in this program. Absolutely critical.”

Voice and Choice

Jen also greatly valued the flexibility to choose between assignments that offered different options for assessing student understanding. “There was a lot of voice and choice in all the assignments, which is very important. That’s something we advocate for in the classroom. There are all types of learners in our classroom: You might be good at drawing, but I might be good at speaking. So there were different ways that the teacher would assess, and you could choose, depending on the assignment. I appreciated that flexibility.”

Collaborative assignments were Jen’s favorite. After Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Howard helped make the connection, Jen and another Spanish teacher in the course became strong resources for each other. “We would both collaborate all semester long. As the only Spanish teacher in my building, I don’t have a department; I am one person, which can be very isolating. She’s one more person that I’m able to connect with, because she’s also a high school Spanish teacher in her district. I was able to collaborate with this other individual and something small in my head was able to be that much better executed. We were able to lean on each other and help each other and get perspective on the assignments and in our own classrooms as we were teaching.”

Professors – knowledgeable and supportive

Another strength of the program for Jen was the knowledge and support of the professors. “All of the professors have been so kind and so supportive. If at any point, I had any questions or concerns, the professors were always very accessible and responsive to whatever my needs were. They are extremely knowledgeable and clearly know their field, so I’ve been very lucky to learn from them.

In addition to sharing their knowledge, Jen appreciated the ways that her professors were invested in exploring each student’s potential and future opportunities. “They were always willing to talk about the field too. Big shout out to Dr. Liz Howard, because she knows this entire industry, and she was able to open my mind to other possibilities in the field. It’s not in my cards right now due to my circumstances and my family, but she mentioned an incredible opportunity that I would be so psyched about.” Describing the future possibility of teaching at an international dual-language school in Costa Rica, Jen explains, “That would be my absolute dream job. And I never would have even contemplated that, but Dr. Howard mentioned that in a conversation as we were talking about an assignment. That’s just one example of how the professors are so open to exploring each of their student’s potential and other options available in the field. They’re all so knowledgeable and so approachable.”

For Jen, this supportive environment makes all the difference in an online program. “They made it so easy for me to be able to succeed at my own rate, while still having the support along the way. I never felt like I was alone and had to just figure this out. Everyone was available online at any point that I needed them. That’s something really critical in an asynchronous program.”

Practical applications in the classroom

The opportunity to immediately apply what she was learning to her classroom was a huge advantage. “There have been so many things that I learned from the program that I was immediately able to implement into my class. It was really good in terms of practical information, not just theory.” Jen provides an example from the course she’s just completed, EDCI 5750-Language Diversity and Literacy: “I had to take the theories and come up with activities and assessments that I would actually implement in my particular Spanish class. Because I had to do these assignments, I realized I could use it in my actual class. Within that week, I had built my own lesson, even better than if I were to have brainstormed it myself, because I had to be supporting theories backed up by the knowledge I was learning through the course. So it’s been extremely beneficial: I’ve really been able to come out with a lot of practical, applicable information that I can tangibly implement into my own classroom. I’ve been really lucky.”

Adding equity and celebrating diversity

Recognizing the struggle faced by students who are English language learners, Jen hopes to apply her learning in ways that will make the classroom more equitable: “To have to learn the language and the content at the same time is not fair to students. I hope to add a little bit of equity into the classroom to make their knowledge that more accessible in terms of the content and language. Because I know that struggle and it hurts and it’s not fair. These kids are really smart and they’re being penalized. They can probably do what you’re asking them to do; they just can’t understand the language yet. So if we give them the right tools, they can succeed. And that’s a lot of what this EBL program is about – celebrating diversity and language and being able to use these students as resources and as leverage in the entire classroom community. As much as the student is learning from the teacher, the teacher can learn from the student, and the students can learn from each other. I hope to be able to implement that in my classroom.”

Supporting English language learners is deeply personal for Jen. Both of her parents immigrated to the U.S. from Colombia as full Spanish speakers. With this certificate, Jen is excited to step into a support role for bilingual students in her school. “I’ve always been the translator in my family. I’ve always held that responsibility. Not only in just translating the language, but almost kind of translating the culture. So I understand what these kids are going through. I’ve been in those shoes. I remember that, when I was little, I wished there was more help. I felt so alone in helping my parents. Now I feel like I can be that person for a student who’s going through that.”

Applying strategies to support broad range of learners

Jen emphasizes that the strategies she learned in this program can be applied to support a broad range of learners: “Although a lot of the content was for English language learners, I can apply those same strategies to support all learners. As a teacher, I have to be able differentiate and modify things according to individual learners. And this program gave me a lot of tools to be able to support some of my own special education students, who might have reading disabilities, or dyslexia, or processing delays. That’s a big challenge for a teacher: ‘How do I differentiate in a strategic and appropriate way for each of my unique, individual learners in my classroom?’ I’m still very far from being a pro at this, but I’m leaving this program a lot more well equipped than how I started it.”

Preparing students for a globalized society

Learning about the theory of collaborative learning was especially impactful for Jen. “I think the theory of collaborative learning is amazing, and I immediately started to put it into practice. Let the kids be their own agents in their education. That’s something that I am learning how to do. Working together is a critical skill in this globalized society. We have to work together. And that’s what learning should be: preparing students to work together. Because that’s what the world is. I think these are the types of approaches that are going to prepare our students for a more globalized society.” Emphasizing the importance of this, Jen adds, “We have to prepare our students to be global citizens. Courses like these teach teachers how to teach their students how to be global citizens. And I think that’s really important.”

Jen is also excited about sharing her new knowledge with her colleagues. “Collaborative learning was a really new theory for me that I actually hope to present to my colleagues next year. Since I have this certificate, part of my role will be to take that information and pass it on to my colleagues in the form of professional development sessions. That makes me super nervous, but I think I’ve gained the experience and knowledge I need to be able to do that. And, because the professors are super accessible, I know if I have any questions or concerns in the future, I have their emails and I can reach out to them for any support I need along the way.”

Growing into the profession

Despite spending four years in the classroom, Jen is surprised when others refer to her as a “veteran teacher,” explaining, “I do not want that title. I still feel like I’m so new in education, like a toddler: I can walk, but I’m still wobbling. But now I feel like a toddler who doesn’t have to hold onto the railing. And I’m growing into it. I’m really growing into my profession, and this program really gave me so many tools I can use.”

In addition to the immediate impact her learning will have in her classroom and charter school, Jen is already dreaming of future possibilities: “I hope to be something bigger than just a classroom teacher, such as program director or administrator. This program opened my mind to think bigger than just the four walls and the classroom.”

Reflecting on her educational journey, Jen adds, “If you’re a working teacher, this is the program for you. I can’t speak more highly of the program. It was exactly what I needed it to be. It gave me more tools in my toolbox to be able to successfully support learners from all walks of life. Not only are these transferable skills into my personal profession right at this moment, but I feel like I came out that much more of knowledgeable human being for our global society.”


UConn Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate, Lizzy Jacob

Lizzy Jacobs

Graduate Spring 2022

A Seamless, Tailor-made Certificate Program 

“Before I enrolled in the program, I had just graduated with my bachelor’s degree in elementary education from UConn. I was a student-teacher during my senior year, and my class had a lot of bilingual/multilingual students. I wanted to seek out opportunities to best serve this population of students, so I was ecstatic when I learned that UConn had this built-in opportunity.” - Lizzy Jacobs, Spring 2022 Graduate, Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program

A Seamless, Tailor-made Certificate Program 

Lizzy completed the program without skipping a beat, as she got her certificate at no additional cost and it fit it right in with her course and fieldwork.

“The program was especially attractive because it offered me the ability to attain more knowledge for educating bilingual learners while I completed the Teacher Education Program.”

“Not only does this program work seamlessly with your coursework as an IB/M student, but you have opportunities to work with others outside your cohort. For me, this included collaborating with working teachers and people from all disciplines throughout the education program at UConn.”

Practical Faculty Who Truly Care 

The most impactful aspect of the program for Lizzy was her professors’ dedication to truly helping her, and her classmates learn how they can best serve multilingual learners. 

“We studied best practices and learned about different theories, language acquisition, and law pertaining to multilingual learner education. Since our coursework was so practical, many of us could translate our work and projects in class into our fieldwork in the classroom. This ability to immediately put what I was learning into practice was rewarding and impactful.”

Taking Her Learning to the Classroom

And before she had even completed the certificate, she had a teaching position lined up. “While finishing the Educating Bilingual Learners certificate program, I accepted a job with Newington Public Schools, where I’ll teach third 3rd grade.”


UConn Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate, Mike Li

Mike Li

Graduate Spring 2022

Incredible Diversity and Flexibility 

“I was in Tokyo for two years, gaining a foundation as an educator that would guide my graduate education and future practice in school psychology. Growing up in New York City afforded me the privilege of being surrounded by a medley of ethnic and racial diversity. Combined with studying abroad in Kyoto, my academic path naturally gravitated towards supporting emergent multilingual learners.” - Mike Li, Spring 2022 Graduate, Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program

Incredible Diversity and Flexibility 

While the flexible modality of courses accommodated Mike’s busy schedule and allowed him to take courses in addition to the primary program requirements, the diversity of the faculty’s and students’ experiences drew him to UConn’s program. 

“I was attracted to the Educating Bilingual Learners certificate program by the opportunity to learn from expert scholars in the field and peers from a range of personal, scholarly, and professional backgrounds. Learning from expert scholars and the wealth of knowledge from my peers enriched the courses, allowing for real collaboration—even when asynchronous/virtual. Content and assignments from courses helped me create practical strategies and build a useful information toolkit.”

Mike believes educators should not work in silos. They must collaborate with other educational staff to create “a quintessential multidisciplinary team all working towards supporting their students.” 

Meeting Students Where They Are

Once Mike completes his doctoral program, he’ll be doing an internship year in Atlanta, working as a school psychologist, while continuing to work on his dissertation investigating the efficacy of a novel technological intervention to reduce English language speaking anxiety.

“As a school psychologist, I act as an elevator—meeting students where they are and leading them to where they want to be. I hope to eventually return home to NYC to support emergent multilingual learners, especially AAPI and LGBTQ+ populations.”

“I am privileged in the support I have received throughout my graduate experiences and hope to lift others in my role as a school psychologist practitioner and researcher.”

“Often we are isolated as teachers. We work in silos and rarely have the chance to connect with colleagues. Therefore, I really appreciated that the courses were project-driven and that we were encouraged to interact through the HuskyCT/Blackboard discussion boards. I’m now a part of a cohort of like-minded educators that continues to this day.” - Joelle Budzinsky, Spring 2021 Graduate, Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program

UConn Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate, Joelle Budznsky 1Joelle Budzinsky earned 12 credits from the University of Connecticut (UConn) Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program. She’ll apply the credits to a second master’s degree, which will allow her to become TESOL- (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certified.

Getting out of the Classroom Silo

Joelle Budzinsky knows a lot about teaching bilingual students. After all, she spent nearly three years in Barranquilla, Colombia overseeing the school-wide implementation of Project Based Learning, grades K-12. While there, she learned a lot “on the fly,” as she describes her experience. She also discovered something even more important: 

“I loved being a language teacher in Colombia. But I wanted a richer knowledge about why certain teaching approaches work better than others. There are so many ways to learn a language. I wanted to become better at helping kids learn to talk and engage with language in ways that were personally meaningful to them. At the time, I knew what worked, but I didn’t know why. I was looking for a more formal educational experience to help me understand why something works—knowing the why would help me internalize the how.”

As a University of Connecticut (UConn) graduate, earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in 2009, Joelle had some connections at the university. She reached out to Karen Lapuk, the bilingual coordinator at Connecticut River Academy, to ask about getting the TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certification. Karen encouraged Joelle to apply for the Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program, a 4-course, 12-credit program for practicing educators who want to strengthen their skills to better support English learners in school.

On her way to earning a second master’s degree

Joelle immediately applied, and once accepted, she began the program during the summer of 2020, taking two courses right off the bat, then one course in the fall and the final course in the spring of 2021. She is now planning to start a second master’s degree at UConn, a requirement for her to become TESOL-certified. “Best of all,” she says, “The 12 credits I earned from the Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program can be applied to my second master’s.”

Starting anything new during the summer of 2020—at the height of the pandemic—wasn’t easy. But notes Joelle, because the certificate program is 100 percent online, not even a pandemic could stop it from being given! “As a classroom teacher, there are so many demands on my time. The online nature of the program made it so easy because I could do the assignments on my own time,” says Joelle. 

Making life-long connections

The online platform also enabled her to connect with educators across Connecticut and beyond. “Often we are isolated as teachers. We work in silos and rarely have the chance to connect with colleagues. Therefore, I really appreciated that the courses were project-driven and that we were encouraged to interact through the HuskyCT/Blackboard discussion boards. I’m now a part of a cohort of like-minded educators that continues to this day. We have a texting group, we check in on each other, and we have even met outside of the program,” notes Joelle, who adds: “It is so helpful to learn about teaching approaches in other districts.” 

Transformative content

Joelle also raves about the program’s content and in particular, having learned entirely new concepts that she had been unfamiliar with, such as sheltered instruction. “This method has been transformative in the way that I present and plan lessons. It basically calls upon us to consider various factors that influence how a student learns material. It could be something as simple as slowing your speech, including visuals, or practicing ‘translanguaging.’ I had never heard of this concept prior to the program, but essentially it teaches you how to incorporate the student’s first language into your lesson materials.” This is no easy task considering there are over a dozen languages spoken at Connecticut River Academy, a magnet school in East Hartford, CT, where Joelle is both a Capstone teacher and English Language Development (ELD) teacher.

One of the online courses Joelle especially “loved,” as she said, was EDCI 5875 – Multicultural Education. “This was not about learning a skill or methodology per se, but rather about mindset. It helped us focus not on the deficit students may have because their first language is not English, but on their assets. I loved this so much. If you don’t think students are capable, you’re missing the mark.”

Modeling good teaching 

And most of all, Joelle describes the instructors as “fabulous!” While she really liked all her professors, she especially appreciated how Dr. Elizabeth Howard, associate professor of bilingual education in the Neag School of Education and the certificate program’s director, taught. “Liz models the pedagogical strategies she teaches, for example, when she was covering the four domains. It wasn’t that we were only writing, but her teaching methods also focused on engaging, listening, and reading. She modeled good teaching by the way she taught!”

In summary, Joelle says: “So many education programs are steeped in theory. But in this program a lot of time and focus was spent on learning practical strategies. In fact, every week, I learned something that I could implement in my classroom the following week.”


UConn Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate, Joelle Budanski

Joelle Budzinsky

Graduate Spring 2021

Springboard to Choice and Opportunity

“In taking the 12 credits for the certificate program, I inherently just became a better teacher. I don’t think you have to switch lanes and become a TESOL teacher. Good teaching is just good teaching. Because in my mind, we’re all language teachers, whether you’re teaching math, science, it doesn’t matter. On top of becoming a better teacher, the certificate program gave me the choice and opportunity to try something different. I think that matters a lot. We’re losing a lot of teachers because they feel stifled. They feel like they’re not growing professionally. They feel like they’re not having the type of impact that they want. So, for me, it gave me that choice and opportunity, and that was huge.” - Joelle Budzinsky, Spring 2021 Graduate, Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate program

Springboard to Choice and Opportunity

Joelle Budzinsky cares deeply about making a meaningful impact on her students. When she initially enrolled in the Educating Bilingual Learners (EBL) Online Graduate Certificate program at the University of Connecticut (UConn), she did not anticipate a shift in her career path. Later, searching for greater professional challenges, Joelle discovered that earning this certificate opened a new door, enabling her to seamlessly transition into her new role as a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) teacher. Joelle has recently returned to UConn to earn her second Master’s in Bilingual and Multicultural Education to complete the requirements for the TESOL cross-endorsement. The EBL certificate program has been a pivotal springboard to new opportunities for Joelle’s professional, personal, and financial growth – including a 50% increase in her salary.

Seeking professional challenge

After graduating from UConn’s EBL Online Graduate Certificate program in spring 2021, Joelle took time to contemplate her future direction. As she explains, “When I did the certificate program, I was teaching in East Hartford. I then took a brief break and started working for the Department of Children and Families (DCF) as a social worker for a variety of reasons. I think I just wasn’t being professionally challenged. I wanted to try something else, but then quickly realized, ‘Man, I do really miss teaching, but I want to try something different with my teaching career.’ At that point, I started doing some investigation and realized that with the 12 credits that I earned through the certificate program, the State of Connecticut would DSAP me.” DSAP stands for Durational Shortage Area Permit. As Joelle explains, “Basically that means the State of Connecticut will give you a temporary permit that allows you to teach in a high-needs area.”

Delighted to discover this professional opportunity was in reach, Joelle landed her new position as a middle school TESOL teacher in Norwich Public Schools in August 2023. To complete the TESOL cross-endorsement requirements, Joelle returned to UConn in spring 2024 to pursue her sixth-year Master’s Certificate in Bilingual and Multicultural Education. “Because the State of Connecticut honored some of my other credits as well, I only technically needed six more credits to get the state certification. I will have that by the end of this spring semester. But to get the additional sixth-year Master’s, I’ll take an additional four classes after this semester to get that pay bump.”

Springboard to new career opportunity

When Joelle initially enrolled in the certificate program, she had not expected to shift career pathways or to return to pursue her sixth-year Master’s. As Joelle explains, “I just wanted to be a better teacher for those students who I’m working with. When I entered the certificate program, I was not really thinking, ‘Yes, I’m going to get this sixth-year certificate.’ But the program experience was so positive that I started to consider it. I did take a little bit of a break just because I wasn’t sure where my school home was going to be.”

The coursework for the 4-course, 12-credit EBL certificate program was pivotal to opening a new door of opportunity for Joelle. “Those four courses are highly relevant and very helpful. In terms of what the state is acknowledging, they directly apply to the certification for TESOL. Without having taken those 12 credits, I would not have been able to get this job opportunity. I would not have been able to qualify for the DSAP. I would have had to continue to pursue English teaching jobs, because that was my prior credential. So, the certificate program created this job opportunity for me, which is a big deal. I loved the EBL certificate program because it is so accessible.”

Prepared to hit the ground running

Not only was the EBL certificate program foundational to opening the door for Joelle, but the coursework also prepared her with the knowledge and skills to be successful in her new role. “The certificate program provided me the foundations to be able to secure this job. For example, when you apply for a TESOL position, you have to have a foundation in Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) strategies. SIOP strategies are just good teaching, but SIOP normally is connected to working with multilingual learners. I had to know about up-to-date, current best practices related to multilingual learners. I would not have been able to get through the interview phase without having taken the certificate program. It provided the essential foundation, which is why I think the State of Connecticut is also acknowledging, ‘Yes, we will DSAP you because you’ve taken these classes, so we’re trusting that you have the solid foundations to enter your work and meaningfully engage with the kiddos who you’re slated to work with.’ So, in many ways, it’s carried over into my work. One, being able to get the job, and then two, to hit the ground running. I would not have been able to do this job without having taken the certificate program.”

Bilingualism not required

While the bilingual cross-endorsement requires fluency in a second language, Joelle explains that the TESOL cross-endorsement is different in that regard. “I think it’s a common assumption that to go into this field you have to be fully bilingual. While my Spanish comprehension is strong, my speaking is not quite as strong: I am not fluent in a second language. You can be a TESOL teacher and not be fully proficient in a second language. That’s important because for me, here in Norwich, I have many Spanish speakers, but a good quarter of my students are Haitian Creole speakers. I don’t speak Haitian Creole. We also have students from Tibet and students from China. My work is not necessarily to translate. As the TESOL teacher, I differentiate using SIOP strategies to make new content accessible. For example, I would use visuals, chunk the text, and translate essential vocabulary. I might do a mini lesson on building background knowledge. Those instructional strategies help students who are new to English be able to make meaning of the content they are learning in the classroom.”

Choice and opportunity

Joelle could not be more thrilled with the work she is now engaged in. “Honestly, I was really bored. I had been an English teacher for 13 years. I wasn’t being challenged professionally. I don’t think I was, in my mind, having the kind of direct impact that I was really craving. Now, because I have a smaller cohort of students and I’m doing that Tier-2 intervention, man, I feel like I’m doing the kind of teaching and the kind of work that I was really hoping for. It’s really great. I love my job here!”

Reflecting on her journey, Joelle adds, “In taking the 12 credits for the certificate program, I inherently just became a better teacher. I don’t think you have to switch lanes and become a TESOL teacher. Good teaching is just good teaching. Because in my mind, we’re all language teachers, whether you’re teaching math, science, it doesn’t matter. On top of becoming a better teacher, the certificate program gave me the choice and opportunity to try something different. I think that matters a lot. We’re losing a lot of teachers because they feel stifled. They feel like they’re not growing professionally. They feel like they’re not having the type of impact that they want. So, for me, it gave me that choice and opportunity, and that was huge.”

Wildly rewarding

The rewards of earning the graduate certificate are beyond what Joelle ever imagined: “The benefits to me as an educator – professionally, personally, financially – are just incredible. On top of the additional learning and the impact I’m having on students, the pay increase that I was able to have moving into this lane is wild. My salary increased by 50% - which is striking. It’s so incredible because it is a field that I love, but also professionally and personally, it has just afforded me so many more opportunities. It’s opened doors. It really was such a wonderful decision for me to make.”